Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny From Wince You Came Go Back Again Untill You Are Compleate Again

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Awakening to a True Name (Yu-Gi-Oh GX SI)

  • Thread starter Firehawk242
  • Start date
  • #2,276
Ah the greatest failure of shadow magic. No fireball. Fireball solves most whatever problem. Even a magic missile or just a encarmine pistol could solve this trouble without risking a soul ripping.
Assuming that it isn't a deadman'south switch, or that Viper tin't activate the trap remotely.
  • #2,277
Assuming that it isn't a deadman's switch, or that Viper can't activate the trap remotely.
A possibility but nevertheless ameliorate than giving Viper what he wants. Another duel and some other soul.
  • #2,278
This is what happens when you cut a puppet's strings. They delude themselves with their freedom thinking they can do anything they want to now that they are no longer a puppet however they are not capable of what they delude themselves into assertive they're capable of.
Gremlin Jack
  • #2,279
I nod. "I know. Information technology's also going to be unsafe, so only people with substantial physical power should exist part of the team that hits the lab. Jim, Hassleberry, and Adrian, that would be the three of y'all."
All right, now I accept to inquire, where the fuck is island security? Physical violence is exactly what they are paid for. Miranda should have at least asked about them. Even if they are weak, there is something to be said for having a number of mooks on hand.
  • #2,280
All right, now I have to enquire, where the fuck is island security? Physical violence is exactly what they are paid for. Miranda should take at to the lowest degree asked almost them. Even if they are weak, there is something to be said for having a number of mooks on paw.
Watsonian: She'southward expecting magic nonsense, and doesn't want to bring a bunch of potential batteries straight to Viper.

Doylist: I forget that they exist sometimes. Can yous blame me?

Gremlin Jack
  • #2,281
Doylist: I forget that they exist sometimes. Tin can y'all blame me?
Considering the whole point is replacing Jaden with someone intelligent? Just a picayune bit.
Borderline Valley
  • #two,282
This guy has a surgically implanted idiot ball.
Episodes 106-119, Part Eight
  • #2,283
The Shadow Duelist goes commencement. "I'll start by setting i card face down, and and then I summon my Picador Fiend in assault way!" It'south a 1600 attack betoken monster. Picador... that's from bull fighting, I think? The picadors are the ones who piss the balderdash off before it faces the matador. I vaguely retrieve stabbing being involved. Interesting. Probably an power letting it redirect attacks?

Aster draws. "You lot think that's good? Just wait until yous see what I can do! I'll start with a spell card: D-Spirit! This lets me summon i level iv or lower Destiny Hero from my manus! I'll choose my Destiny Hero Disk Commander!" I glimmer. I actually know what this card does from my erstwhile life. Okay, I can see what Aster'southward up to. "Adjacent, I'll sacrifice my Disk Commander to summon my Destiny Hero Double Dude!" Okay, later on three cards we're at a 1000 attack point tribute monster. That's... nice? And Aster wonders why I don't retrieve much of him. "At present, Double Dude, assault his Picador Fiend!"

"What?" the Shadow Duelist demands. "But your monster has fewer attack points than mine!"

"Not one time I do this!" Aster replies. "I discard my Destiny Hero Bract Main! Now all my Destiny Heroes go an extra 800 set on until the finish of the turn!" Great. Four cards deep to beat 1 1600 assault indicate monster. Almost the simply good part of this was getting Disk Commander into the graveyard where he can be useful. Picador Fiend shatters, dropping the Shadow Duelist to 3800 life points. He shrugs it off similar the flesh wound it is. "And now my Double Dude can assault again!" Aster exclaims. In that location we go. Something worthwhile. The Shadow Duelist grunts as the assail drops his life points to 2000. "I'll set one carte du jour face down, and so I'll end my plough."

"My turn," the Shadow Duelist growls, drawing. "I activate the ritual spell menu Ritual of the Matador! By sending the Summon Skull in my mitt to the graveyard, I summon Matador Fiend!"

"Big bargain," Aster says. "Information technology's got zero attack points."

I facepalm. Zero attack points should be a great big flashing alarm sign, not a cause for dismissal! You'd recall people would learn, but noooo.

"It is your turn," the Shadow Duelist announces.

"Fine and then," Aster says, drawing. "Double Dude, attack that fiend!" No, you idiot!

The Shadow Duelist chuckles. "My Matador Field cannot be destroyed past battle, and I take no harm from battles involving him!"

Aster growls. "Fine. I'll set one card face down and finish my turn." Double Dude promptly shatters.

"Did I forget to mention?" the Shadow Duelist asks. "Any monster that battles my Matador Fiend is destroyed at the terminate of the turn! And, all of your monsters are forced to assault him each turn!"

"Well I activate my trap carte!" Aster says. "Destiny Signal! At present I get to summon a Destiny Hero from my deck, and I pick my Captain Tenacious in defense mode!" Okay, non terrible. At least he'south non open to an attack.

"Very well, information technology's my plough," the Shadow Duelist says, cartoon. "I summon my Banderillo Fiend in attack fashion! When he's summoned, I tin can destroy one monster on your side of the field, at the toll of Banderillo Fiend's attack! Your Captain Tenacious is gone!"

Aster winces as his monster explodes. "Are you washed withal?" he demands.

"Not quite," the Shadow Duelist chuckles. "I'll besides play a field spell menu: Dark Arena!" Oh hey, spooky bullfighting arena. Great. "It's your move."

Aster draws. "Since my Double Dude was destroyed last plow, this turn I go two Double Dude tokens!" Two m set on signal tokens appear on his field. "Next, I play the spell menu Destiny Draw! By discarding my Destiny Hero Malicious, I get to depict 2 more cards! And, since Malicious is in the graveyard, I tin activate his outcome! By banishing him from the game, I can summon another Malicious from my deck!"

Ah, that's what Aster'southward upward to. Plasma. He seriously needs his ultimate monster to beat this scrub. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the acme duelists in the world.

"And now, I sacrifice all 3 of my monsters to summon Destiny Hero Plasma!" Aster says, confirming my theory. "Showtime, Plasma takes your Banderillo fiend! When he does, his attack points rising by half of your monster'southward points!" Banderillo was only a 900 point monster, and then Plasma just makes it to 2350. Honestly, unless he's got D-Force, he'd accept been ameliorate off taking Matador. "And at present I play the spell card D-Strength!" Aster announces, placing the carte du jour on the top of his deck. Of course he has D-Force. Perfect cartoon, the only thing keeping Aster relevant. "As long as this bill of fare is face up on the top of my deck, Plasma is immune to all of your spells and traps, and all of your monsters lose their abilities!"

"Potent monster," Adrian remarks.

"Not really," I reply. "It'southward a pain to exit, and without D-Force it's non worth it. Worse, D-Force prevents you from drawing ever once more, and so if Plasma does go destroyed you're out of luck. It's impressive, sure, but information technology'south not reliable, and the issue of failure is that yous're guaranteed to lose."

Adrian considers, then nods in acceptance.

"At present, Destiny Hero Plasma, attack his Matador Fiend with Vengeful Rain!" Aster commands. Matador Fiend dies and Titan's life points driblet to 0.

I scout impassively as Titan gets consumed by his spirit key, which then flies off, presumably to join the other 5. I glance at the screen where Brody... has dug his way out of his prison. Okay, corking. Just as long as he doesn't practise anything else stupid. I walk across the span to run across that Titan's deck survived him being consumed. He must take retrieved it from the Abandoned Dorm.

"No," I say. "I'grand not doing this a fourth fourth dimension." I grab the cards and pitch them into the abyss beneath the bridge.

"If you'd just dealt with him properly the beginning fourth dimension, y'all wouldn't have had to deal with him again," Aster says.

I give Aster a look. "Aster. If I acted as you lot do, we would non be having this conversation."

"Well duh," he says. "Considering you'd know I'm right."

"No," I say, turning to confront him. "You lot'd be far also busy existence dead to be correct, because I would accept killed y'all. I would have ripped out your soul, put information technology in a snowglobe, and then either left it at that place forever or thrown it into the sea. So peradventure it's for the all-time that I adopt to show restraint."

Aster'due south jaw drops. "You- I thought you were bluffing!"

"Aster," I say. "You're non smart plenty for me to bother backbiting you. Every bit they say, yous can't bluff a donkey." I turn abroad from Aster to the residue of the team. "Let's become."


Post-obit my magic sight, we head for the last lone key. We enter into an abased lab, lit only past the eerie emergency lighting. The concluding central is sitting on ane of the counters. "Where'due south Viper?" I complain, stepping forwards to grab the key.

"Correct here," Viper announces, bursting from the shadows. I wince as he grabs my wrists, collecting them both in one of his easily and hoisting them above my caput. It all happens then fast, I barely even know what's happening before I'm dangling from Viper's grip, snarling.

"Let her go!" Hassleberry orders.

"I don't think and so," Viper says. "Afterward all, there's someone who very much wants to meet her."

"You're non taking her anywhere, mate," Jim says, undoing his whip belt and releasing Shirley.

"What he said," Adrian says, dropping into a martial arts stance.

"Let me go, you prick," I snarl, squirming. If I can just...

"Cease your useless struggling, girl," Viper orders.

"Never," I spit in his face up. While he's distracted with that, I take the tiny throwing knife I managed to pull from a wrist sheath and drive it into Viper's arm. The knife is tiny, the blade just 2 inches long, and the angle is terrible, preventing me from getting any practiced leverage. Even so, a blade is a bract, and from the way Viper immediately drops me and recoils, I know I've made my displeasure felt. I raise my left paw and channel power into a simple flashlight spell, amping the power to produce a brief directional wink correct in Viper's face. He reels again, blinking, and I scramble backwards out of his reach. "Get him!" I shout.

Adrian rushes him, a snap boot knocking Viper back against a counter. Jim lashes out with his chugalug whip, yanking Viper's leg out from under him as Hassleberry leaps, coming down on Viper with a textbook elbow drop, peachy him confronting the floor. I don't stay to lookout the brawl though. Instead I snatch the last cardinal from the counter, then blitz through the door leading to the residue of them.

I find myself in what's clearly some sort of control room. There's a bunch of computers with staticky screens. Of more interest is the giant glass tube in the middle of the room. The half dozen charged keys float in the middle of information technology, hovering over- is that a severed demonic paw? Eww.

Miranda Yuki, so good to meet you.

Oh, not bad. A psychic severed hand. I'd say I've plant Viper'south boss. "Whoever you are, stay out of my caput," I say. "You won't like it in there." I demand to figure out what'southward going on hither. It's pretty obvious that the energy is going to be used to restore any the hand came from, but what do I need to do to terminate this?

But nosotros're going to have so much fun together! But starting time, I'll demand you to practise me a little favor.

"No," I respond. "Whatever you're trying to do, I will have no office of it."

You don't have a choice!

Hurting spikes through my head, driving me to my knees as I clutch at my temples. "Go. Out." I snarl.

Not nevertheless.

"Get! Out!"


"Get out!" I scream. A kaleidoscope of colors burst from my body, washing over everything. The world seems to lurch, and so, with a flash, both the hand and the keys vanish.


A/N: Yeah, Yubel pretty thoroughly beat Miranda there.

  • #two,284
So, is the thing with the cardinal that by entering the room Miranda counted as offer information technology, or is this purely a 'Yubel mind fucked her to tribute herself' type deal?
  • #two,285
So, is the thing with the key that by entering the room Miranda counted every bit offer it, or is this purely a 'Yubel mind fucked her to tribute herself' blazon deal?
Yubel hijacked Miranda's powers, more than or less.
  • #2,286
So, is the thing with the primal that by inbound the room Miranda counted equally offering information technology, or is this purely a 'Yubel mind fucked her to tribute herself' type deal?
I remember Yubel tricked Miranda to approach them after the keys were charged. The keys weren't meant to restore Yubel, they were meant to utilize Miranda's bizarre existence to motion Yubel elsewhere.

EDIT: Ninja'd.

  • #2,287
I think Yubel tricked Miranda to arroyo them later on the keys were charged. The keys weren't meant to restore Yubel, they were meant to utilize Miranda's bizarre existence to move Yubel elsewhere.

EDIT: Ninja'd.

They can fill up ii purposes. It'south not like Yubel doesn't have things they can practise with duel energy and souls. Just yep, this was by and large just an elaborate ploy to get Miranda somewhere Yubel could get at her.
  • #two,288
Evil HEROes vs Dragonmaids! A Legendary Showdown!
  • #two,289
Evil HEROes vs Dragonmaids! A Legendary Showdown!
Yubel doesn't have Evil Heroes, they're more Supreme King's thing. The closest thing to their ain deck (crusade they go through several) is a Plant/Fiend deck based around... well, them.
  • #2,290
Evil HEROes vs Dragonmaids! A Legendary Showdown!
*looks at Evil HERO cards*

*looks at Dragonmaids*

Certain, for the five minutes information technology would take.

  • #2,291
*looks at Evil HERO cards*

*looks at Dragonmaids*

Sure, for the five minutes it would take.

Aye, even with the new support they're not exactly good. Though once more, Yubel doesn't use them.
  • #2,292
Yeah, even with the new back up they're not exactly good. Though once more, Yubel doesn't use them.
Yeah... though... well, Miranda and the Supreme King are not the same person. It's entirely possible that Miranda could end up going up against him in a duel, and if that happens, I want him to be an actual threat. Considering what would have to happen to brand him appear, he could take literally whatever deck. So he probably wouldn't exist playing Evil HEROes. I'm vaguely thinking Shaddolls? Supposedly they can compete with Dragonmaids, and they're suitably evil-looking?
  • #two,293
It'south entirely possible that Miranda could stop upwardly going up against him in a duel
Then should I explicate the spoilers or do you already know? Because I dubiety Supreme King is able to show up.
  • #2,294
I'm vaguely thinking Shaddolls? Supposedly they tin can compete with Dragonmaids, and they're suitably evil-looking?
Not certain well-nigh that, Shaddolls take their ain lore associated with them. They're one of the last antagonists of the Duel Concluding series.

That existence said, I'm non sure WHAT y'all could use. Most of the practiced, villainous Archetypes are either used by some other character (similar Predaplants) or have their own lore (like Knightmares). Maybe you could requite him the Sacred Beasts and the latest support for them? Under normal circumstances they're not fantastic, but if they're used past a character who tin can draw any card they need...

You could give him a custom Archetype, but I'one thousand not sure you'd want to make a second i later on Skyknights.

  • #2,295
So should I explain the spoilers or do y'all already know? Because I dubiousness Supreme King is able to show up.
I'thousand vaguely aware, simply y'all're dead wrong.
Miranda is a connexion signal to infinite universes. Using her power, it's possible to non just summon the Supreme King, but theoretically you could summon as many versions of him equally you want. You lot know, in instance Yubel decides they want a harem.
Pingas Plight
  • #2,296
Past sending the Summon Skull in my paw to the graveyard, I summon Matador Fiend!"
Everyone who played SMT Nocturne is having 'Nam flashbacks. Hell, I havent even gotten to him still, i remember, and I AM having pocket-sized ptsd.
"Big deal," Aster says. "Information technology's got cipher set on points."
ANYONE who plays SMT in full general, even so, officially wants to throttle him. Personally, I wish to see his deck burnt.
I have the tiny throwing knife I managed to pull from a wrist sheath and bulldoze it into Viper'southward arm. The knife is tiny, the blade only two inches long, and the angle is terrible, preventing me from getting any skilful leverage. Even so, a blade is a blade, and from the style Viper immediately drops me and recoils, I know I've fabricated my displeasure felt.
D E L E C T A B 50 E H Y P Due east R V I O L E N C East. THE Crimson ONE HAS BEEN SLAKED!
You know, in case Yubel decides they desire a harem.
So, when did this go from madoka-level existential terror wrapped up in a children's bear witness bundle to shitty harem animisekai?
  • #2,297
Not sure about that, Shaddolls have their own lore associated with them. They're 1 of the final antagonists of the Duel Terminal series.

That being said, I'thou not sure WHAT you lot could use. Most of the expert, villainous Archetypes are either used past another character (like Predaplants) or have their ain lore (like Knightmares). Mayhap y'all could requite him the Sacred Beasts and the latest support for them? Under normal circumstances they're not fantastic, but if they're used past a character who tin can draw whatsoever card they need...

You could give him a custom Archetype, but I'm non sure you'd want to make a second one later on Skyknights.

*digs into lore*

Actually... I remember the lore works as well, and considering the situation that would exist happening, Shaddolls is honestly the perfect archetype.

  • #2,298
I'm vaguely aware, just you're dead wrong.
Miranda is a connection bespeak to infinite universes. Using her ability, it'south possible to not but summon the Supreme King, just theoretically you could summon as many versions of him equally y'all want. You know, in case Yubel decides they want a harem.
I mean if your pulling an alternating version of the Supreme Male monarch you lot could e'er make the Supreme King exist playing a mix of modernistic heroes. Has an excuse for him to accept some destiny heroes, and quite a few of the fusion monsters used in modernistic heroes(Destroy Phoenix enforcer, Dark Law, Malicious Bane, etc.) are quite evil looking. Could play it off as him but taking the strongest of the hero cards and using them for his own purpose
  • #2,299
Well, SK could be playing Darklords. They're large, beefy, and literal fallen angels. Bonus points for Darklord's being the deck of Midori Hibiki, Manga!Judai's big sister/mother figure.

The whole schitck of the archtype is to cheat out their crazy powerful Spell/Trap lineup by activating them in the graveyard, bypassing cost similar to how Diamond Dude works. Their two large playmakers being Ixchel and Superbia who fuel their combos past discarding themselves to the GY for depict and to swarm the field when revived.

  • #2,300
On another note: I'k now thinking of a match between Miranda and Yugi.

Or more specifically the Yugi from Thelonelyarchives Youtube videos, and he just top decks all 5 pieces of Exodia for his opening hand.

The Rex of Drawing always wins.

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