What Time of the Year Do You Think Starvation Was Most Likely to Happen Jamestown


After arriving at Jamestown in the spring of 1607, the 104 original English colonists were amazed past the land's natural abundance. Mussels and oysters "lay on the ground as thicke as stones," George Percy wrote in an business relationship published in 1625; "wee opened some, and constitute in many of them Pearles." Yet survival in Virginia proved to be hard. The Indians of Tsenacomoco—a paramount chiefdom of twenty-eight to xxx-two Algonquian-speaking groups in the Tidewater—alternately, sometimes simultaneously, wooed and pressured the colonists. In May, one group of Indians feasted English leaders most the falls of the James River while another attacked their settlement at Jamestown, killing two. Three months later, in Baronial, the showtime of many summertime sicknesses fix in, killing more than than half of the colonists. Past the end of the year, merely about twoscore survived. Reinforcements helped commencement the toll again taken by the so-called summer seasoning, then that by mid-December 1608 Jamestown'southward population stood at well-nigh 200.

Percy wrote that he and his young man colonists succumbed to the bloody flux (probably diarrhea), burning fevers, and swellings, in addition to wounds they received at the easily of the Indians. "For the near part," however, "they died of meere famine." He went on to lament that "There were never Englishmen left in a forreigne Countrey in such miserie as wee were in this new discovered Virginia." He described his men every bit "feeble wretches": "Our food was but a small Can of Barlie sod in water to five men a day, our drinke cold water taken out of the River which was at a floud verie salt, at a low tide full of slime and filth, which was the devastation of many of our men." The colonist Ralph Hamor later blamed "misgovernment, idlenesse, and faction" for these early on deaths, suggesting that "people were fedde out of the common store and labored jointly in the manuring of the ground, and planting corne." As a result, "glad was that man that could slippe from his labor," for he knew that he would exist maintained by the communal nutrient supply.

At the same time, Virginia was mired in a terrible drought. Tree-ring studies conducted by scientists from the University of Arkansas, who examined a baldheaded cypress near Jamestown, discovered that the colonists arrived at the offset of a seven-year drought (1606–1612), the driest period in 770 years. Moreover, conditions were peculiarly astringent near Jamestown, an ecological zone (oligohaline) where the exchange betwixt fresh and common salt water is minimal. While the drought fabricated conditions particularly unfavorable, the colonists—mostly military men and skilled laborers—showed no inclination or ability to hunt, fish, or farm, instead relying on overseas shipments or nutrient that they could bargain, or often outright steal, from the Indians. But the residents of Tsenacomoco were feeling the drought no less than the English, and could scarcely afford these unexpected demands on their food supply.

The Portraictuer of Captayne John Smith

With the coming of winter in 1608 and with Helm John Smith at present president, the Indians largely refused to merchandise. In Jan, Tsenacomoco's paramount chief, Powhatan, even attempted to have Smith killed. Meanwhile, the colonists battled, in Smith'south words, "the extremitie of sickness, mutinies, faction, ignorances, and desire of victuall." And however during that winter, Smith "lost simply 7 or 8 men."

That they stayed alive for Smith only to die in such droves the next winter under his successor, George Percy, has led historians to wonder what changed. One of Smith's apparent insights was that work was necessary and self-sustaining. "He that volition not worke shall not eate," he told the colonists, adding that "the labours of thirtie or fortie honest and industrious men shall not exist consumed to maintaine a hundred and fiftie idle loyterers." Like Hamor (and other colonist-observers), Smith worried most idleness, a condition some historians have likened to laziness, suggesting that as well many of the early colonists were gentlemen and so unaccustomed to labor. Many historians at present disagree. Karen Ordahl Kupperman, for instance, has countered that men suffering from malnutrition "showroom symptoms in their early phases which appear to be purely psychological, such every bit loss of appetite (anorexia) and indifference." In other words, weakness and fatigue may have looked similar laziness but were in reality illness. Regardless of whether Smith recognized this fact, he found that even small amounts of work improved both the fabric life and wellness of the colonists.

Starting time Anglo-Powhatan State of war

The political and military situation changed drastically during 1609, nonetheless. Later on more than a quarter of the colonists died of sickness during the summer, another resupply raised the population to nearly 400. (The ships' famished passengers promptly devoured a field of corn intended to feed the colonists throughout the winter.) The resupply also brought with it news of a second charter for the Jamestown colony. In pursuit of a more aggressive policy confronting the Indians of Tsenacomoco, the Virginia Company of London instituted a new, more than centralized authorities that would no longer be led by Smith but by some of his loudest critics. Although much of the new leadership (plain) had been lost at ocean on the resupply'south flagship Sea Venture, he was still weakened politically.

Indian Corn

In an try to ease conditions at Jamestown and possibly to distance himself from his critics, Smith sent two parties of men to alive off the Indians. One group, under Francis West, traveled to the falls of the James River; another, under George Percy and John Martin, went due south and attempted to meet with the Nansemond Indians. Both missions failed badly, with each group losing nearly half its men in fighting. When Smith sent reinforcements s, they found piles of English language corpses, their mouths stuffed with bread "in Contempte and skorne," according to Percy. The Powhatans understood that without food, the English could not continue in Tsenacomoco, and the Indians controlled the nutrient. Meanwhile, Smith himself traveled north. On his style dorsum to Jamestown, a gunpowder explosion injured him and forced his return to England.

These confrontations on the James marked the beginning of the First Anglo-Powhatan War. In November 1609, some other political party of Englishmen was ambushed and its leader, John Ratcliffe, tortured to decease. Side by side, while trading with the Patawomecks, Francis W beheaded ii warriors; a rebellion on his ship the Swallow concluded with West and his men sailing to England. The remaining 240 settlers retreated to Jamestown, not counting 30, under Captain James Davis, who remained at Fort Algernon near the mouth of the James. At this point, in November 1609, Powhatan ordered a siege of Jamestown, a move that initiated, finally, the period known as the Starving Fourth dimension.


George Percy

The Powhatans did non demand to take a chance casualties by directly attacking the colonists; instead, they used famine equally a weapon. From November until May, they prevented settlers from leaving the fort to hunt, fish, bargain for, or steal nutrient. The Indians besides chop-chop slaughtered the colonists' hogs, which, in an attempt to exist more sanitary, they had penned on an island a short distance downward the James. As the wintertime wore on, the trapped English men and women died of malnutrition caused past hunger, contaminated water, and generally unclean conditions. "A worlde of miseries ensewed," Percy wrote. Forced to pause taboo and eat horses, they were "gladd" to shift to "doggs Catts Ratts and myce" and even "Bootes shoes or any other leather some Colde come past." When some robbed the company store, Percy ordered the offenders executed. As more than and more than colonists died, Percy wrote how those left living "Looked Lyke Anotamies [skeletons] Cryeinge owtt we are starved We are starved." A homo named Hugh Pryse shouted "openly into the markett identify" that if there were a god, he would not tolerate such suffering. As Percy noted, withal, "the Almighty was displeased with him," for that afternoon, Pryse and a "corpulentt" butcher fled the fort merely to exist killed by Indians.

Multiple accounts of the Starving Fourth dimension allege that the colonists resorted to cannibalism. Percy reported that some people exhumed and ate the dead, while others "Licked upp the Bloode west[howdy]ch hathe fallen from their weake fellowes." Even worse, one human being "murdered his wyfe Ripped the childe outt of her woambe and threw itt into the River and after chopped the Mother in pieces and salted her for his foode." Only partway through his meal when discovered, he was tortured into a confession and so burned for his "crewell and inhumane" deed. A General Associates report, produced in 1624 by the remaining Aboriginal Planters (settlers who came to Virginia before Sir Thomas Dale's departure in 1616, remained for a period of three years, and received the showtime state grants), echoed that description, adding that the man "fedd uppon her [his wife] till he had clean devoured all partes saveinge her caput." John Smith's Generall Historie offered up a scrap of black humor: "now whether shee was better roasted, boyled or carbonado'd [barbecued], I know not, only of such a dish as powdered wife I never heard of." Sir Thomas Gates, however, seemed skeptical, charging that the culprit "mortally hated his Wife, and therefore secretly killed her." The cannibalism was only the story he told when caught; upon being searched, his house yielded "a good quantitie of Meale."

Equestrian Paraphernalia

Archaeological investigations of Jamestown accept confirmed much of what Percy wrote. Artifact assemblages dating to about 1610 suggest the consumption of snakes, vipers, rats, mice, musk turtles, cats, dogs, and possibly fifty-fifty raptors. Heavily butchered horses account for more than than 12 percent of the total recovered biomass, while recovered cattle bones (14 percent) are missing heads and anxiety, suggesting that beef, not cattle, was shipped from England. (Historians have long assumed that livestock was part of the cargo of various resupply missions prior to 1611.) In 2013, archaeologists from Preservation Virginia and the Smithsonian Institution appear that they had found a skull and portions of a skeleton at Jamestown that bore show of cannibalism. They suspect that a xiv-year-old English girl whom they dubbed Jane had been consumed after her death. The archaeologist William Thou. Kelso has written that the find, in combination with the historical record, provides "incontrovertible evidence" of cannibalism at Jamestown.

Other scholars have chosen for caution. The historian Rachel B. Herrmann has argued that no principal sources have cited the cannibalization of this item daughter. At the same time, the authors of the cannibalism tales all had motives to tell the stories they did. John Smith emphasized the misery of the Starving Time in order to contrast it with his fourth dimension every bit president, when there was an abundance of food. Percy may have offered an exaggerated version of events in order to suggest that in that location was little he could have done to forestall the famine or its consequences. For their function, the authors of the General Assembly report were lobbying for authority in Virginia to be transferred from the company to the Crown. In the end, Herrmann writes, reasonable arguments tin be made for and confronting cannibalism having occurred. "Without new evidence historians tin become no closer to knowing exactly what happened."

Quo Fata Ferunt

In May 1610, Powhatan'south Indians lifted the siege and then that they could begin their spring planting. This allowed Percy to visit Captain Davis at Fort Algernon. There he found the outpost, which lost none of its thirty men over the winter, to be then well supplied that hogs were fed leftover crab meat. Upset that Davis's men had "concealed their enough from us," Percy suggested that what at Algernon had been fit only for hogs, at Jamestown "wold have bene a greate relefe unto u.s.a. and saved many of our Lyves." Finally, on May 24, the survivors of the Bounding main Venture wreck, having been marooned for the last yr in Bermuda, miraculously appeared. What they found horrified them. At Jamestown, but 60 men and women, out of 240, remained live.


Sir Thomas Gates soon decided to abandon the colony and had to restrain the weary colonists from burning their settlement to the ground. But while sailing down the James, they encountered a ship bearing the new governor, Thomas West, baron De La Warr, and a twelvemonth's worth of supplies. That evening the colonists returned, many of them unhappily, to Jamestown and to a new, stricter government. The Starving Time, it seems, was being blamed on that former bugaboo idleness. William Strachey, who arrived with Gates and soon became the colony'south new secretary, offered one "incredible example": Gates, he wrote, "hath seene some of them eat their fish raw, rather and then they would goe a stones cast to fetch wood to dresse it." Having castigated the lost crew of the Swallow ("Unto idlenesse you may joyne Treasons"), Strachey summarized the dysfunctions that precipitated a famine: Cast up the reckoning together: want of government, shop of idleness, their expectations frustrated past Traytos, their market spoyled by the Mariners, our Nets broken the Deere chased, our Boats lost, our Hogs killed, our trade with the Indians forbidden, some of our men fled, some murthered, and most by drinking of the brackish h2o of James Fort weakened and indangered, famine and sicknesse by all these meanes increased …

Lawes Divine

In the end, better discipline did aid to save the colony, along with increased immigration, success in the wars against the Powhatans, and, with the cultivation of tobacco, a more stable economy. Regardless, the Starving Time, and its bellboy tales of cannibalism, proved a turning indicate. "They enabled colonists to shift from envisioning the New Earth as a place of boundless abundance to one of more realistic and measured possibility," Herrmann writes. "The Starving Time functioned as a fortunate fall that immune leaders to reassert control over unruly settlers and to impose laws controlling food production, dissemination, and consumption." In the meantime, what likely killed 75 percent of those at Jamestown was not idleness. Karen Ordahl Kupperman cites malnutrition that led to diseases such every bit pellagra, beriberi, scurvy, malaria, and dysentery, all of which "interacted with the psychological effects of isolation and despair and each intensified the other." What appeared to be idleness was instead the extreme furnishings of that "sharpe pricke of hunger" that may or may non take led a man to devour his wife just that surely well-nigh destroyed the Virginia colony.


Summer 1609

John Smith unsuccessfully attempts to purchase from Powhatan, the paramount chief of Tsenacomoco, the fortified town of Powhatan in lodge to settle English language colonists there.

June 2, 1609

The largest armada England has always amassed in the Due west—9 ships, 600 passengers, and livestock and provisions to last a yr—leaves England for Virginia. Led past the flagship Body of water Venture, the fleet's mission is to save the failing colony. Sir Thomas Gates heads the expedition.

July 24, 1609

A hurricane strikes the nine-ship English language fleet bound for Virginia on a rescue mission. The flagship Sea Venture is separated from the other vessels and irreparably damaged by the storm.

Belatedly August 1609

Subsequently being damaged by a hurricane, eight of nine English ships bound for Virginia make it safely at Jamestown under the assumption that the flagship Sea Venture, carrying Captain Christopher Newport and Sir Thomas Gates, had been lost at ocean. The news sends the colony into a political tailspin.

August 11, 1609

Four ships attain Jamestown from England: Unity, King of beasts, Approval, and Falcon. Two others are en route; 2 more were wrecked in a storm; and 1, Bounding main Venture, was cast upward on the Bermuda islands' shoals.

August eighteen, 1609

2 ships accomplish Jamestown from England: Diamond and Swallow. Four others arrived a week earlier; two more were wrecked in a storm; and 1, Sea Venture, survived by making its way south to the Bermuda islands. The Diamond may have brought with it disease that volition contribute to the colony's loftier mortality charge per unit.

Early September 1609

John Smith sends Francis West and 120 men to the falls of the James River. George Percy and 60 men attempt to bargain with the Nansemond Indians for an island. 2 messengers are killed and the English burn the Nansemonds' town and their crops.

September 10, 1609

In the absence of Governor Sir Thomas Gates and his implementation of the Second Charter, George Percy is elected president of the Council in Virginia.

October 1609

John Smith leaves Virginia. The Jamestown colony'south new leadership is less competent, and the Starving Time follows that winter.

Nov 1609

Powhatan invites a political party of about thirty colonists, led past John Ratcliffe, to Orapax on the hope of a store of corn. The English are ambushed and killed; Ratcliffe himself is tortured to decease.

Nov 1609

Powhatan Indians lay siege to Jamestown, denying colonists access to outside food sources. The Starving Fourth dimension begins, and by spring 160 colonists, or about 75 percent of Jamestown's population, will be dead from hunger and affliction. This activeness begins the First Anglo-Powhatan State of war (1609—1614).

Early May 1610

Powhatan Indians lift their winter-long siege of Jamestown.

May 21, 1610

Having been stranded in the Bermuda islands for nearly a year, the political party of Virginia colonists headed past Sir Thomas Gates arrives at Betoken Condolement in the Chesapeake Bay.

May 24, 1610

The political party of Virginia colonists headed by Sir Thomas Gates, at present aboard the Patience and Deliverance, arrives at Jamestown. They find only sixty survivors of a wintertime famine. Gates decides to abandon the colony for Newfoundland.

June 8, 1610

Sailing up the James River toward the Chesapeake Bay so Newfoundland, Jamestown colonists encounter a ship begetting the new governor, Thomas Due west, baron De La Warr, and a year'south worth of supplies. The colonists return to Jamestown that evening.

June ten, 1610

The Virginia colony'southward new governor, Sir Thomas Westward, twelfth baron De La Warr, arrives at Jamestown and hears a sermon delivered by Reverend Richard Bucke.


  • Fausz, J. Frederick. "An 'Abundance of Blood Shed on Both Sides': England's Starting time Indian State of war, 1609–1614." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 98, no. 1 (Jan 1990): 3–56.
  • Haile, Edward W., ed. Jamestown Narratives: Eyewitness Accounts of the Virginia Colony: The Start Decade, 1607–1617. Champlain, Virginia: Roundhouse, 1998.
  • Herrmann, Rachel B. "The 'tragicall historie': Cannibalism and Abundance in Colonial Jamestown." William and Mary Quarterly 68, no. i (Jan 2011): 47–74.
  • Horn, James. A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Nascence of America. New York: Basic Books, 2005.
  • Horn, James, ed. Captain John Smith: Writings with Other Narratives of Roanoke, Jamestown, and the First English Settlement of America. New York: Library of America, 2007.
  • Kelso, William M. Jamestown: The Truth Revealed. Charlottesville: Academy of Virginia Press, 2017.
  • Kingsbury, Susan Yard., ed. Records of the Virginia Company of London. 4 vols. Washington, D.C.: Regime Printing Office, 1906–1935.
  • Kupperman, Karen Ordahl. "Apathy and Death in Early Jamestown." Journal of American History 66, no. 1 (June 1979): 24–40.
  • Kupperman, Karen Ordahl. The Jamestown Project. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007.
  • Stahle, David W. et al. "The Lost Colony and Jamestown Droughts." Science 280 (April 1998): 564–567.


APA Citation:
McCartney, Martha. Starving Time, The. (2021, September 03). In Encyclopedia Virginia. https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/starving-time-the.
MLA Commendation:
McCartney, Martha. "Starving Time, The" Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Humanities, (03 Sep. 2021). Spider web. 03 Apr. 2022


Source: https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/starving-time-the/

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