To See You Once Again My Lady Shakespeare


Shakespeare in Love (1998) Poster

[last lines]

William Shakespeare: My story starts at sea, a perilous voyage to an unknown land. A shipwreck. The wild waters roar and heave. The brave vessel is dashed all to pieces. And all the helpless souls within her drowned. All save i. A lady. Whose soul is greater than the sea, and her spirit stronger than the sea's comprehend. Not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story. For she will exist my heroine for all time. And her name will be Viola.

Queen Elizabeth: I know something of a woman in a man'southward profession. Yes, by God, I do know about that.

Nurse: Lord Wessex was looking at you tonight.

Viola De Lesseps: All the men at court are without poetry. If they run into me, they see my begetter'southward fortune, I - will take poetry in my life. And take chances. And love. Honey to a higher place all.

Nurse: Not Valentine and Sylvia.

Viola De Lesseps: No! Not the artful postures of love, but love that overthrows life. Unbiddable, ungovernable, like a riot in the eye, and cypher to exist done, come up ruin or rapture. Dear as there has never been in a play. I will accept dearest. Or I volition cease my days as a...

Nurse: As a nurse?

Viola De Lesseps: Oh, only I will exist Valentine and Sylvia besides. Oh, skilful nurse, God save you and good night.

Tilney: That adult female is a woman!

Viola De Lesseps: [equally Juliet] I do remember well where I should exist, and at that place I am - where is my Romeo?

Nurse: [shouting from the audience] Dead!

William Shakespeare: I'm done with theater. The playhouse is for dreamers. Wait what the dream brought us.

Viola De Lesseps: Information technology was nosotros ourselves did that. And for my life to come up, I would not have information technology otherwise.

Queen Elizabeth: [later on inspecting Viola] Accept her and then, simply you're a lordly fool. She's been plucked since I saw her terminal, and not by yous... it takes a woman to know information technology.

Lord Wessex: [angrily] Marlowe!

Richard Burbage: The Primary of the Revels despises us all for vagrants and peddlers of bombast. But my father, James Burbage, had the starting time license to brand a company of players from Her Majesty, and he drew from poets the literature of the age. We must show them that we are men of parts. Will Shakespeare has a play. I have a theatre. The Curtain is yours.

[Whispering at Viola's bedchamber door]

Nurse: My lady, the house is stirring. It is a new day.

Viola De Lesseps: It is a new World.

Lord Wessex: My lady, the tide waits for no man, simply I swear information technology would wait for yous.

Queen Elizabeth: Playwrights teach us nothing most love. They make information technology pretty, they brand it comical, or they make it lust, but they cannot make it true.

Viola De Lesseps: Oh, but they tin!

William Shakespeare: Dearest knows nothing of rank, or riverbank. It will spark betwixt a Queen and the poor vagabond who plays the King - and their honey should be minded by each, for dearest denied blights the soul we owe to God.

Queen Elizabeth: Mr. Tilney! Take a care with my name - y'all will wear it out!

[on starting time hearing the tragic ending to Romeo and Juliet]

Philip Henslowe: Well, that would have them rolling in the aisles.

William Shakespeare: A broad river divides my lovers: family, duty, fate. As unchangeable equally nature.

Viola de Lesseps: I would stay asleep my whole life, if I could dream myself into a company of players.

William Shakespeare: You encounter? The comsumptives plot against me. "Will Shakespeare has a play, let us go and cough through it."

Viola De Lesseps: Good morning, my lord. I see yous are open for business organization - so allow's to church building.

Queen Elizabeth: And tell Primary Shakespeare, something more cheerful next fourth dimension, for Twelfth Dark.

Ned Alleyn: [on learning the fate of his character] He dies?

Viola de Lesseps: Nurse, equally I beloved you and you dearest me, you lot will bind my breast and buy me a male child'due south wig.

Queen Elizabeth: [to Lord Wessex, about Viola] Have her, then, but you are a lordly fool. She'south been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you.

William Shakespeare: I have a wife, yep, and I cannot marry the girl of Sir Robert De Lesseps. You needed no wife come from Stratford to tell you that, and yet, you lot let me come to your bed.

Viola De Lesseps: Dogie-love. I loved the writer and gave up the prize for a sonnet.

Ned Alleyn: Pay attention and y'all will run into how genius creates a fable.

Queen Elizabeth: Fifty pounds! A very worthy sum on a very worthy question. Can a play prove u.s.a. the very truth and nature of love? I evidence to the wager, and will be the judge of it as occasion arises. I take not seen anything to settle it withal.

Philip Henslowe: Allow us have pirates, clowns, and a happy ending, or we shall send you back to Stratford to your wife!

Ned Alleyn: [singing the stage directions] Gentlemen upstage; ladies downstage... Are y'all a lady Mr. Kent?

Tilney: [paying Webster for having tipped him off] You volition do well, I fearfulness.

Lord Wessex: I cannot shed blood in her business firm, just I will cut your pharynx anon. Do you lot have a proper noun?

William Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe, at your service.

William Shakespeare: Words, words, words. Once I had the gift. I could make love out of words as a potter makes cups of clay. Love that overthrows empires. Dearest that binds two hearts together come up hellfire and brimstone. For six pence a line, I could cause a riot in a nunnery. Only, now?

Viola De Lesseps: Stage dearest will never be truthful love while the police of the land has our heroines being played by pipsqueak boys in petticoats!

Viola De Lesseps: Oh, Volition, as Thomas Kent my eye belongs to yous. But, every bit Viola, the river divides us.

Queen Elizabeth: The Queen of England does non attend exhibitions of public lewdness. So, something is out of articulation.

Viola De Lesseps: [that she, every bit Thomas Kent, is actually a woman] Nobody knew.

John Webster: [pointing to Will] He did! I saw him kissing her bubbies.

Philip Henslowe: You see - comedy. Love, and a bit with a domestic dog. That's what they desire.

Philip Henslowe: [jumping up onto a table] I need actors! Those of you lot who are unknown volition accept a chance to *exist* known!

Tavern Patron: What about the coin, Mr. Henslowe?

Philip Henslowe: It won't price you a penny! Ha ha ha ha!

William Shakespeare: Henslowe, you have no soul; so, how can you understand the emptiness that seeks a soulmate?

Makepeace, the Preacher: A handmaiden of the devil! And wickedness in your children. The rose smells thusly ranked by whatsoever name. I say a plague on both their houses.

"Thomas Kent": May I begin sir?

William Shakespeare: Your proper name.

"Thomas Kent": Thomas Kent. I would similar to do a spoken communication by a writer who commands the heart of every player: What lite is low-cal, if Silvia be non seen? What joy is joy, if Silvia be not by? Unless it be to call back that she is by, And feed upon the shadow of perfection, Except I be by Silvia in the nighttime, At that place is no music in the nightingale; Unless I expect on Silvia in the day, At that place is no day for me to look upon; She is my essence, and I go out to be, If I be not...

William Shakespeare: Take off your hat!

"Thomas Kent": My hat?

William Shakespeare: Where'd yous learn how to do that? Permit me see you. Take off your lid!

"Thomas Kent": Are you Master Shakespeare?

Viola De Lesseps: Practice you intend to ally, my Lord?

Lord Wessex: Your begetter should keep you meliorate informed. He has bought me for yous. He returns from his estate to run into us ally two weeks from Saturday. You lot are immune to bear witness your pleasure.

Wabash: For never was a story of more than woe, Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

[first title cards]

Title carte: London 1593

Title carte du jour: In the glory days of the Elizabethan Theatre two playhouses were fighting it out for writers and audiences.

Title card: Due north of the urban center was the Mantle Theatre, habitation to England'southward about famous histrion, Richard Burbage.

Title bill of fare: Across the river was the competition, congenital past Philip Henslowe, a man of affairs with a cash flow problem...

Title card: ...the Rose...

Makepeace, the Preacher: [protesting outside The Rose] Licentiousness is made a show! Vanity and pride are likewise made a testify! This is the very business of show!

Third Auditioneer: [later on every auditioneer has recited "Faustus"] I would like to give you something from "Faustus."

Philip Henslowe: [exasperated] How refreshing!

Hugh Fennyman: [In a tavern-brothel, to the acting company] A famous victory! Kegs and legs open, and on the house! Oh, what happy hour.

Viola De Lesseps: Did you similar Proteus or Valentine best? Proteus for speaking. Valentine for looks.

Nurse: Oh, I liked the dog for laughs.

Nol: The special today is a pigs foot marinated in juniper berry vinegar served on a buckwheat pancake.

Hugh Fennyman: Now, listen to me, y'all dregs! Actors are ten a penny and I, Hugh Fennyman, hold your nuts in my manus.

Lord Wessex: Will yous defy your father and your Queen?

Viola De Lesseps: The Queen has consented?

Lord Wessex: She wants to inspect you. At Greenwich, come Sunday. Be submissive, modest, grateful, and brief.

Lord Wessex: Now, pay attending, Nursie. The Queen, Gloriana Regina, God's chosen vessel, the radiant One who shines her light on united states of america, is at Greenwich today and prepared, during the evening'southward festivities, to bestow her gracious favor on my choice of married woman and if we're tardily for lunch, the one-time boot will not forget. So, go yous to my Lady's chamber and produce her with or without her undergarments!

Lord Wessex: Farewell, yous'll all be welcome in Virginia!

Wabash: Bre - Bre - Bre - Break a leg.

Hugh Fennyman: Main Shakespeare, has asked me to play the part - of the Apoth-ecary.

Philip Henslowe: The Apothecary? Volition, what is this story? Where is the shipwreck? How does the comedy end?

William Shakespeare: By God, I wish I knew.

Philip Henslowe: By God, if you exercise not, who does? Let us have pirates, clowns and a happy ending or we shall send you back to Stratford to your wife.

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